(10) A person described in regulation 4(12) or in any of paragraphs 1 to 4 of Schedule 2 is not required to comply with this regulation.

(9) Nothing in this regulation requires a person to provide any information if that information is not within their possession or control. (8) If passenger information changes or becomes available to a person required to self-isolate during that person’s period of self-isolation in England that person must, as soon as reasonably possible take all reasonable steps to complete a Passenger Locator Form, or a new Passenger Locator Form, as the case may be. (7) A person who has provided passenger information in advance in accordance with paragraph (6) must provide evidence that they have done so if requested by an immigration officer. (6) If a person described in any of paragraphs (1) to (3) provides their passenger information, and any passenger information required by virtue of paragraph (5), on the Passenger Locator Form in the 48 hours before they are required to do so, then they are treated as having complied with those paragraphs (as applicable). (b) when they present at immigration control, in the case of a person described in paragraph (2). (a) on their arrival in England, in the case of a person described in paragraph (1) or (3), or (5) A person who is travelling with a child for whom they have responsibility, must ensure that passenger information is provided in relation to that child on the Passenger Locator Form. (4) Paragraph (3) does not apply to a person described in that paragraph who arrives in England from Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland and who has completed a form equivalent to a Passenger Locator Form pursuant to an enactment in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, specifying an address in England where that person intends to self-isolate.

(3) Subject to paragraph (4), a person who arrives in England from within the common travel area who has been outside the common travel area at any time in the period beginning with the 14th day before the date of their arrival in England must provide on the Passenger Locator Form their passenger information on their arrival. (2) A person who presents at immigration control at the Channel Tunnel shuttle terminal area in France( 1), with the intention of boarding a shuttle service destined for the United Kingdom, must provide on the Passenger Locator Form their passenger information on so presenting. PART 2 Obligations on persons arriving in England and others Requirement to provide informationģ.-(1) A person who arrives in England from outside the common travel area must, subject to paragraph (2), provide on the Passenger Locator Form the information set out in Schedule 1 (“passenger information”) on their arrival.