How well STK performs on the Pi 4 when enabling dynamic lighting and such is the big question, as this definitely takes more processing power, but makes STK look significantly nicer. fc945731dd) This means that when using it on the Pi 4, it *should* use the modern renderer, and support goodies like dynamic lighting (known in-settings as the Advanced Pipeline, option is selectable even when using the legacy renderer, but will only actually do anything with the modern renderer). *There is no need to use the -DUSE_GLES=1 option when compiling STK on the Pi anymore, it is now automatic.* (This auto-detection at compile-time was added in this commit.
Supertuxkart portable install#
If you manually compile version 1.0 or newer, or install it from a PPA ( ), it should detect it is being compiled on an ARM device and default to the GLES renderer.
Supertuxkart portable driver#
You will get an old driver warning on startup, but it should otherwise work fine. It should work out of the box with "sudo apt install supertuxkart", as the V3D provides desktop GL 2.1, and 0.9.3 includes the necessary graphical restriction (. If you are on Raspbian Buster, it includes STK version 0.9.3 in the repos, presumably built to use the GL renderer. Whether STK uses GL or GLES is selected at compile-time.

SuperTuxKart uses the legacy renderer when GL 2.1/GLES 2.0 is available, and the modern renderer when GL 3.3/GLES 3.0 is available. Eventually the V3D driver should support GL 3.x on the Pi 4, but it doesn't yet. V3D supports GL 2.1 and GLES 2.0 on the Pi 3B+ and below and supports GL 2.1 and GLES 3.0 on the PI 4. Note that the RPI4 should have the full GL driver selected by default. It is NECESSARY to do this step, STK will not work using the legacy drivers, instead defaulting to software rendering (<1FPS). On any hardware, make sure you have the full GL driver (known as the VC4 or V3D Mesa driver) selected in raspi-config. Here's the low down on SuperTuxKart support on the Raspberry Pi: